How I decide if your website is worth a revisit

Overview I often read a lot of the articles from sites like Hacker News,,, some tech-related subreddits and a few others which I come across as a part of browsing the web. I love reading about what amazing things other people are doing, about how they are pushing the limits of what is possible, and how they solve their problems. As an aspiring engineer, I feel fascinated by technical writeups....

March 4, 2024 · 4 min · Yaksh Bariya

Announcing Open Sourcing of my blog site

In my Hello World post, I described how I set up my site, from a simple Next.js application to a blogging site. But then I realised that I spent more time in actually getting it work than on writing some real stuff, so I started feeling that I need to change this. The best way I could do this was to switch to an Open Source blogging solution. I found Hugo extremely good, and with the PaperMod theme, it did wonders....

May 19, 2022 · 1 min · Yaksh Bariya